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The integrated subject program revolves around three knowledge streams: Numbers, Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, Statistics and Probability; implementing interdisciplinary integration through related content, topics or mathematical knowledge exploited and used in other subjects such as Information Technology, Technology, STEM, ... through practical activities and experiences. 

Students learn the Math program in both Vietnamese and English.


The Science, Natural Sciences and Natural Sciences subject groups are built on the principle of integrating two programs: the Cambridge Program and the 2018 General Education Program. In which, the Cambridge Program is taken as the basis for comparison and integration with the 2018 General Education Program.

The Science subject in the school program is presented in four major areas including: Scientific Inquiry, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. In which, the Scientific Inquiry area includes considering ideas; planning research; collecting, evaluating and presenting evidence.

Experiential activities

Practical experience activities form the main qualities, general abilities and some specific component abilities such as: autonomy and self-study ability, communication and cooperation ability, problem-solving ability and creativity. Professional abilities are formed and developed mainly through certain subjects and educational activities: language ability, calculation, natural and social learning, technology, information technology, aesthetics, physical education.

The Experiential Activity Plan will be specifically announced to parents at the parent meeting at the beginning of the school year. The location and content of the activities are selected to suit the age and integrated as part of the school's educational program.